Sunday, January 15, 2017

Introducing the GFF Postal History Blog

Welcome to the GFF Postal History blog.  This is our first "official" post to be published, even though there has been material at various stages of writing for some time that are not yet published.

For those who are interested, I invite you to go the tab labeled "Purpose" to get an idea as to the intentions I have in creating this blog.  But, for now, we'll introduce by example!  Posts on this blog are NOT necessarily intended to be final products when they appear here.  I fully expect to continue to add to posts when any of the following things occur:

  1. I find time to put in additional information and resources I have discovered in the past, but have not had time to put into a format for the blog.
  2. I discover new information or resources for the post/project in question.
  3. I receive feedback that helps me to understand an item or process well enough to explain what is happening better than I had before.
  4. I feel I have reached a critical mass and I want to organize the results into a 'final' post format
It is possible that I will either edit prior posts or simply publish a new post as a new version of a prior post.  We'll see how it works out.

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