Postal agreements prior to the General Postal Union/Universal Postal Union in 1875 were highly diverse, though they show increased uniformity over time from 1850 to 1875 in Europe. This post focuses on letter mail between Switzerland and France.
Originally Posted: April 15, 2018
Reposted: Dec 5, 2018
Last edited: Sep 27, 2019
Organization of this Post
- Postal Arrangements
- Switzerland to France Prepaid Rates
- Border Crossings
- France to Switzerland Prepaid Rates
- Border Mail
- Unpaid Letter Rates
- Resources
The Swiss Confederation came into being in 1848, but it took some time to develop new arrangements beyond the individual agreements that various cantons had adhered to prior to this point.
Postal Convention of November 25, 1849
The convention was completed in November, but it was not until April of the following year that the convention was ratified by both parties. On first glance, reading the document in the convention resource #1 at the end of this post, I find no specific mention of an active date. It may be there, but I have not found it yet. Literature suggests the July 1, 1850 date.
Article III | Article V | TBA | ||||
Click on the text image to see a larger version.
Postal Convention of March 22, 1865
This was ratified in Paris on August 14 of the same year. If a person reads the first convention and then immediately reads the second convention, it becomes clear how much more comfortable nations were in developing postal agreements. Resources number 2 at the end of this post includes a link to the full text of this agreement (in French, of course).
Article III fixing the new rate of postage and weights. |
*-Prepaid Letter Rates Switzerland to France
Effective Date | Treaty Rate | Unit | Rate Range |
Border Rate |
see * about prior rates | ||||
Jul 1, 1850 First Period | 40 rappen/centimes | 7.5 grams | (a) | 10 rappen |
Jan 1, 1852 Second Period | 40 rappen/centimes | 7.5 grams | (b) | 15 rappen |
Sep 14, 1854 Third Period | 40 rappen/centimes | 7.5 grams | (c) | 15 rappen |
Aug 15, 1859 Fourth Period | 40 rappen/centimes | 7.5 grams | 20 rappen | |
Oct 1, 1865 | 30 centimes | 10 grams | 20 centimes | |
Jan 1, 1876 (GPU) | 30 centimes | 15 grams | 20 centimes | |
May 1, 1878 (UPU) | 25 centimes | 15 grams | ||
Oct 1, 1907 (UPU) | 25 ctm / 15 ctm | 15 g / add'l 15 g |
(a) certain rayon combinations qualified for a rate lower than treaty allowed amounts **requires more research** some help may be found here.
(b) as above
(c) as above
40 centimes per 7.5 grams - Aug 15, 1859- Sep 30, 1865
It is a bit more difficult to find clean, but relatively inexpensive items that illustrate the earlier rate from Switzerland to France simply because most of the material features the Strubel series of stamps versus the Seated Helvetia. The Strubels tend to command higher prices and are also in shorter supply, though they are not rare. I suspect some patience will reward me with opportunities to explore this rate via the later series and perhaps I'll sneak out a Strubel or three on cover at some point. This is a case where I am more interested in rates and routes than I am the philatelic aspect.
Basel Crossing - St Louis Exchange Office
![]() |
![]() Suisse St Louis Nov 1, 1864 Lyon Nov 2, 1864 7 A-E-D (see below) |
The Bad Bahnpost marking reveals another interesting historical aspect. Baden and Switzlerland entered a treaty agreement on July 27, 1852. This allowed for the development of a railway station that would be run by the Baden rail on Swiss soil in Basel. A simple history exists on wikipedia that can serve as a starting point until better references can be located and read. Thus it seems that this item was posted either at the station OR on the train.
The 7 A-E-D marking found on the front of this cover seems to be an artifact from much earlier postal procedures in France. AED = Affranchi a l'Etranger jusqu'a Destination (Foreign mail paid to destination) The numeral ('7') indicated the exchange office. According to Abensur's book, we know Antibes was "1," Grenoble was "6," Pont-de-Beauvoisin was "9" and Lyon was "15." I have yet to discover what corresponds with "7." It seems odd that this particular item has a plethora of paid markings. There are two differnt "P.D." markings applied. It seems fairly obvious by inking and placement that the boxed PD was applied on the mobile post office on the Baden Bahnpost train. The 7 AED marking looks like the same ink as the St Louis exchange marking, so I would not be surprised to learn that "7" stands for St Louis. The final P.D. marking could have been applied in Lyon or on the train from St Louis to Lyon. Regardless, it seems the agents felt a great need to indicate this item was paid more than once. Sometimes it's good to be thorough, I guess.
30 centimes per 10 grams - Oct 1,1865-Dec 31, 1875
For the purposes of looking at markings and identifying routes, it seems that covers from 1865-1868 are best for this rate period. The standard Paris "Etranger" marking starts to appear more often in 1869 and later, which leaves us guessing where the mail might have traveled.
Geneva (Bellegarde Crossing) - Marseilles Ambulant Office
![]() |
![]() Geneve Jun 14 66 (verso) Geneve - Sion - Geneve Jun 14 66 (verso) Suisse Amb Marseilles Jun 14 66 Marseilles Jun 15 66 (verso) |
As far as I am able to tell, the instructions for the 1865 convention lists the Lyon-Marseilles ambulant office as being able to exchange mails with Switzerland. Thus, I have to conclude that any Suisse ambulant marking must be for this particular traveling post office. The Geneva office and the Geneva-Lausanne TPO were authorized to exchange mail with the ambulant Marseilles office. Only one departure at 4:30PM (4:30S) was available for this exchange, scheduled to arrive at Lyon 10:27 AM. With the Geneve 3S marking, we can conclude this is likely the route this particular item took.
The Geneve-Sion marking corresponds with the Geneve-Lausanne traveling office so I am not certain that I can state with complete certainty which marking is the exchange marking here, though I would favor the Geneva marking at this time.
Geneva (St Julien Crossing) - Mont Cenis Ambulant Office
Geneve A Mar 5 68 (verso) Geneve - Sion Mar 5 68 (verso) Suisse Amb M Cenis Mar 6 Grenoble Mar 6 68 (verso) |
Basel Crossing - Mulhouse Exchange
![]() |
![]() Basel May 8 68 (verso) Suisse Mulhouse May 8 68 |
The item above would have taken the same rail line from Basel as the item with the Saint Louis exchange marking. However, the Mulhouse destination made sense for it to depart the train at this point. It is likely Mulhouse only processed mail for its surrounding area.
According to the regulations for the 1865 convention, the Mulhouse exchange office would correspond with the Basel main office, the Basel branch office (succursale) and the Olten-Basel traveling office only. Zurich was an exchange office only with Paris, so it sent this letter to the main Basel office where it went in the first mails to Mulhouse the following day. There were five opportunities for mail to travel from Basel to Mulhouse each day. The first chance for the letter to leave Basel on the 8th, left at about 5:10 AM and was scheduled to arrive at Mulhouse at 6:22AM. The Basel marking includes a "9" after the date, which seems to indicate the 9 AM train departure (the second of the day taking Mulhouse mails) which was scheduled to arrive 54 minutes later. The other three departures were scheduled for 10:15 AM, 2 PM and 5:05PM. Scheduled travel times ranged from 54 minutes to 75 minutes.
This item just might be my favorite Swiss item in my collection at this time. It is visually attractive with remarkably clear postal markings.
*-Border Crossings and Exchange Offices
Article I of the 1849 Convention |
The 1849 convention list of exchange offices were as follows from North to South (French location - Swiss location):
- Saint-Louis - Basel
- Delle - Porentruy (local mail - SE of Montbeliard)
- Miache - Seignelegier (local mail - E of Besancon)
- Morteau - les Brenets (local mail - N of Verrieres)
- Pontarlier - les Verrieres
- Pontarlier - Sainte Croix (local mail - S of les Verrieres)
- Jougne - Ballaigue (local mail - half way between Verrieres and Geneve)
- les Rousses - Saint Cergue (local mail - N of Geneve)
- Ferney - Geneva (west of Geneve)
Roger Heath has been kind enough to share exchange markings he has observed in his Switzerland collection in the period of 1862 to 1881. I will use these as the basis for discussion until I feel that I have enough primary source documentation to go further with this.
Basel - St Louis Crossing:
The Paris to Basel rail lines carried a significant amount of correspondence. The Paris to Basel (Bale) provided fast service between the two cities and this mail train carried foreign mails from England (and points beyond) which were funneled through Paris and on to Calais or, potentially, direct to Calais.
Bradshaw's Monthly Guide May 1866 |
Suisse St Louis (seen above), Suisse Mulhouse (seen above), Suisse Strasbourg, Suisse Colmar, Suisse Besancon, Amb Bale-Paris
Also possible: Suisse Dijon, Suisse Montebeliard (after loss of Alsace/Lorraine region)
Mulhouse was the location for the rail line split either towards Strasbourg or Dijon. According to Bradshaw's Handbooks, trains to Basel (Bale) would have either gone through Strasbourg or via Troyes and coming in just North of Montbeliard on its way to Mulhouse.
The different exchange offices likely handled different destinations within France. Clearly, the Mulhouse exchange marking works for the Mulhouse destination above and probably only applied to local mails. Destinations to the south, towards Dijon, seem to have Saint Louis markings.
Verrieres de Suisse Crossing:
Pontarlier on the French side of the border is clearly the largest settlement in the area. Neuchatel or La Chaux-de-Fonds are relatively close on the Swiss side. Significant mail volumes, including foreign mails seem to flow through this crossing.
French exchange markings for this area:
Suisse Pontarl D A Besancon, Suisse Pontarlier, Suisse Amb Besancon, Suisse Dijon
It is possible that the Am Besancon marking could be from a train coming from the Montbeliard border crossing once Alsace became a part of Germany. In fact, it would make sense to expand this section with a post Franco-Prussian War description of border crossings and changes made to accommodate new borders.
Geneva - Bellegarde Crossing:
The Bellegarde crossing from Geneva would seem to be the favored routing for mails in the Southern France from Marseilles westward. It seems possible that the different ambulant markings for Marseilles could indicate different border crossings and/or different time periods, but the 1865 listing seems to show only one train in and one train out.
French exchange markings for this area:
Suisse Lyon, various Amb. Marseilles markings (one seen above), Suisse Bellegarde,
various Marseilles markings, Suisse Amb. Marseilles 3, Amb Marseille II Suisse, Suisse Ambulant Marseille G
Geneva - Annenosse Crossing:
This crossing seems to service northern Savoy. Being in the Alps, more crossings would be needed to reach the destinations in the area.
French exchange markings for this crossing:
Suisse Cluses, Suisse Bonneville
Geneva - St Julien Crossing:
The St Julien crossing heads south and appears to connect to the Mt Cenis railway. This traveling exchange office was probably intended to service the communities around that mountain pass railway, such as Lanslebourg.
French exchange markings for this crossing:
Suisse Annecy, Suisse Amb M. Cenis
Lake of Geneva Crossing:
Thonon is located on the South shore of Lake Geneva. A rail line was developed along that south shore from Geneva to Martigny (approximately), but this may have been either a lake steamer or carriage route exchange prior to rail development. I believe there are some highly developed specialized collections that exist on this topic area (Alps Lake Steamers).
French exchange marking: Suisse Thonon
*-Prepaid Rates France to Switzerland
Effective Date | Rate | Unit |
* differs by canton prior | ||
Jul 1, 1850 | 40 centimes | 7.5 grams |
Oct 1, 1865 | 30 centimes | 10 grams |
Jan 1, 1876 (GPU) | 30 centimes | 15 grams |
May 1, 1878 (UPU) | 25 centimes | 15 grams |
Oct 1, 1907 (UPU) | 25 ctm / 15 ctm | 15 g / add'l 15 g |
* Switzerland was "unified" in 1848. The 1850 convention is the first such between France and the new confederation. Prior to this, postal agreements depended on the canton.
40 centimes per 7.5 grams : Jul 1, 1850 - Sep 30, 1865
Basel or Geneve? entry
Le Havre May 20, 1857 Le Havre A Paris May 20, 1857 (verso) Paris May 21, 1857 (verso) Geneve May 22, 1857 5S (verso) |
The markings do not give any real help on the border crossing other than than showing Paris and Geneve markings that probably served as the exchange offices. Since this item was funneled through Paris, it actually seems more likely that it took established train service to Macon and perhaps Lyon so it could continue up through Bellegarde to Geneva. The 1865 instructions show two trains via this route (one early and one late in the day), so this does not seem an unreasonable assumption, especially given only a Geneva marking to work with on the Swiss side.
I have not yet confirmed that the rail from Lyon to Geneve through Bellegarde was open in 1857, though I do have access to an 1861 map that illustrates this line.
However, the convention only makes note of the Ferney/Geneva crossing. With the rapid expansion of rail in the late 1850's, it is likely the postal services took advantage of new routes as they were presented. In fact, article I of the 1849 convention states that these could be added with both postal services agreement. But, until I can find a postal directive that makes it clear, I can't conclude for certain which route to Geneve was taken for this item.
30 centimes per 10 grams : Oct 1, 1865 - Dec 31, 1875
Geneva (Bellegarde) entry to Switzerland
![]() |
![]() ML1 rail marking Sion - Geneve - Sion Jan 14 66 T.7 (verso) Bern Jan 14 66 (verso) Thun Jan 15 66 Vormittag (verso) |
Unlike French incoming mail exchange markings, Swiss exchange office markings do not stand out from other Swiss markings. At this point in time, it seems to me that you simply have to know which offices were exchange offices and go from there.
As was the case for the Zurich to Marseilles item earlier in this article, there was a single mail train that ran from Marseilles to Geneva taking French mails to Switzerland via the ambulant Marseilles office. This office could exchange mail either with the Geneva office or the Geneva-Lausanne railway office. The ambulant Marseilles office left at 10pm and arrived at Lyon at 6:15 in the morning. The train from Lyon would arrive at Geneve at 3:35 PM and the train with the ambulant office would leave ten minutes later.
Apparently, as is evidenced by this cover and the Zurich to Marseilles cover, the Sion/Geneve markings must represent the Geneve-Lausanne office.
The Thun marking is of interest as it includes the word "vormittag," which would indicate "morning" mail service or arrival. This would make sense given the Sion-Geneva markings of the previous day and a presumed 3:45PM departure time.
![]() |
![]() 1769 (lozenge cancel) Paris Etranger Apr 3 (verso) Pontarlier N Berne Apr 4 69 (verso) Verrieres Apr 4 69 (verso) |
That said, we can still deconstruct the route and timing for this particular item by looking at the instructions for the 1865 convention. The Ponterlier N Berne traveling post office could exchange mail only with Paris and only one mail train from Paris was scheduled each day to go to this ambulant office. Mail left on the night train from Paris (8 PM) and arrived at Pontarlier at 6:55 AM. The Pontarlier-Berne train left ten minutes later, typically taking four hours to complete its route to Berne. This particular item was not on that train for very long as it merely crossed the French/Swiss border and got off at Verrieres.
Pontarlier-Neuchatel entry to Switzerland
Beaujeu May 15, 1875 377 (lozenge cancel) 1307 (Dijon Bureau de Passe) May 15, 1875 (verso) Pontarlier Neuchatel May 16, 1875 (verso) Locle May 16 (verso) |
Locle is located north of a line between Pontarlier and Neuchatel and is on the Swiss side of the border.
25 ctms per 15 gms : May 1, 1878 - Sep 30, 1881
![]() |
![]() Gare du Nord train station in Paris Ambulant Jul 19 79 (verso) Swiss Traveling Post Office Geneve, Switzerland |
The above is a standard UPU (Universal Postal Union) Group 1 letter rate example. The UPU did recognize that some destinations required more expense for mail to reach them than others. Hence destinations were placed into "groups" for rating purposes.
It is possible that the Swiss receiving marking might have clues regarding routing and border crossings, but that is beyond the scope of my studies.
*-Border Mail
Effective Date | Rate | Unit |
Jul 1, 1850 | 20 centimes/rappen | 7.5 grams |
Oct 1, 1865 | 20 centimes | 10 grams |
Jan 1, 1876 - Jun 30,1892 | 20 centimes | 15 grams |
** for mail that crosses the border and distance is 30 km or less from origin post office to destination post office
*-Unpaid Mail
Effective Date | Rate | Unit |
Oct 1, 1865 | 50 centimes | 10 grams |
Oct 1, 1865 - border | 30 centimes | 10 grams |
Jan 1, 1876 | 60 centimes | 15 grams |
Jan 1, 1876-border | 40 centimes | 15 grams |
May 1, 1878 | 50 centimes | 15 grams |
Apr 1, 1886- border | 30 centimes | 15 grams |
*** prior to 1865, the unpaid rate was the same as the prepaid rate
The unpaid mail is provided for completeness. I am not as interested in collecting stampless items, so it is unlikely I will expand upon this since most of my work is motivated by items in my collection.
- De Clercq, M, "Recueil des Traites de la France," p 638 holds the 1849 postal convention.
- page 207 of Volume 20 has the 1865 treaty.
- Les Tarifs Postaux Francais: Entre 1848 et 1916 by Jean-Louis Bourgouin This has been my "go to" site for determining French rates for some time. Data appears to be backed up by postal acts and agreements of which I have confirmed some and I hope to collect access to others as well.
- Bradshaw's Monthly Continental Railway, Steam Transit and General Guide for Travelers Through Europe, May 1866.
- Mitchell, Allan, the Great Train Race: Railways and the Franco-German Rivalary, 1815-1914, Berghan Books, 2000. this looks like an interesting read that may also provide a bibliography to primary sources.
- Richardson, Derek J, "Tables of French Postal Rates 1849-2011," 4th ed, France and Colonies Philatelic Society of Great Britain, 2011. Only useful for foreign rates from France once the General Postal Union is formed in 1875.
David E Huckett.
ReplyDeleteI have been looking at unpaid and part paid mail between Switzerland and France between 1849 and 1875.Some of these you have covered but the 35c rate caught me by surprise. It worked on pre-paid mail only from Switzerland to France but it was effective from France to Switzerland for part paid or unpaid mail. I have not found any example of a French pre-paid 35c rate letter to Switzerland. There follows an extract from an article I wrote for the PDSG.
The postage rates during the period 1849 to 1875 were as follows: -
Convention de Poste du 25 novembre 1849
Ordinary letter paid or un-paid: 40 c. for each 7,5 gr. – Frontier rate : 20 c.
Convention de Poste du 22 mars 1865
Pre-paid letter : 30 c. for each 10 gr. - Frontier rate : 20 c.
Unpaid letter : 50 c. for each 10 gr. - Frontier rate : 30 c.
In addition there was a 35c rate
Convention de Poste du 25 Nov. 1849
Between 1st July 1850 and 31st December 1851
Ordinary letter sent paid or received un-paid : 35 rappen for each 7,5 gr. between the 3rd Swiss rayon (>25 to 40 leagues) and a non-border French department.
Feuille officielle postale suisse n°52
Between 1st January 1852 and 14th September 1854
Ordinary letter sent paid or received un-paid : 35 rappen for each 7,5 gr. between the 1st Swiss rayon (< 10 leagues) and a non-border French department and between the 3rd Swiss rayon and a border French department.
Feuille officielle postale n°107, Sept. 1854
Between 15th September 1854 and 15th August 1859.
Ordinary letter sent paid or received un-paid : 35 rappen for each 7,5 gr. between the 1st Swiss rayon and a non-border French department.
One league = 4,8 km
1st Swiss rayon – up to 10 leagues or 48 km
3rd Swiss rayon – between 25 and 40 leagues or between 120 and 192 km"
Thank you David! Yes, I have also become aware of some of the differences with respect to the rayon system in the 1850's and I still need to adjust this post to address this. It also requires that I fully understand what I am seeing. I must admit part of the delay (other than it is still the growing season for me) is that I don't have any examples in my collection of these. so, the motivation is (naturally) lower.
ReplyDeleteNonetheless, I appreciate the information.
An additional reply to David:
ReplyDeleteI believe it is possible that the rate amounts may be more complicated than you show here. But, I feel I still need to do more reading before I say more. Note the change in the blog post on the Swiss rate table. It shows the knowledge that these rate periods exist without making too much claim to understand fully what is going on with them just yet.
I would love to read your article as well, but I guess I do not recognize the abbreviation PDSG. I will attempt to send you an email note for clarification.